Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Colors of Nature

This morning when i wake up and searching for some beautiful thing i got this vedio from youtube well i thought this should be in my blog becoz when i see this wonder full nature magic and lisen the music of this vedio i just keep watching it was soo wonderfull. See this vedio many thing are describe about the nature how the birds fly how they survive. Evrything is just amazing like a heaven.
You know this amazing thing take lakh of year to born but it is end in few days by man. I donk know how many of you reading this but thos who are reading this i want to say them just dont read it do something protect nature once we lost it we wont get back.
Well this will be history one day becoze one day it will we be destroyed by us the magic of nature will be no loger exist becoz the incresing of globle warming we know it will be history one day but no one protect it just leave it. Really it shame for us we know the truth then also we wont stop.

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